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Privacy Statement


The Thomas Paine Society respects the privacy of visitors to its website. The Society believes that for electronic commerce and online activities to flourish, consumers, members and users must be assured that information provided online is used responsibly and appropriately. To protect online privacy, the Thomas Paine Society has implemented the following policy..


About the Information We Collect


It is the policy of the Thomas Paine Society to collect and store only personal information that our members and users knowingly provide and only for the express purpose for which it was provided, i.e., mailing lists, event notifications, etc..


Membership and Mailing Lists


Our membership or mailing list is not for sale or trade. When you visit our website or become a member of the Thomas Paine Society, your name and mailing information will not be sold or traded to any commercial or nonprofit organization.


Credit Card Account Information


The Thomas Paine Society uses Paypal for its purchases. Paypal uses secure transaction methods (SSL) when collecting credit card information over the Internet. The Society does not disclose credit card account information provided by its members and users. For further information, refer to Paypal's Privacy Policy.


How We Use Cookies


Cookies are small bits of code that are sent to your computer when you log on to a website that allows the site to identify you when you return to the site. Paypal uses cookies to support the operations of our shopping cart. The Thomas Paine Society does not use cookies or other automatically collected information, such as: IP addresses or visitation times for any purpose whatsoever.


Complaint Procedure


If you suspect that we have handled your personal information in a manner that does not comply with this privacy statement, please contact us by e-mailing an explanation to Alaine Lowell at or by calling (626) 796-4529.

© 2020 Thomas Paine Society

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